Physical Punishment

In some parents’ opinion, physical punishment is must in children’s education. Indeed, sometimes punishment is a quick way and it might help to make their children change the bad habits, but most of time, it will lead to the opposite result. Physical punishment should not be used in children’s education due to it might hurt children forever.

First of all, physical punishment hurt children on both physical and spiritual parts. Some people might think physical punishment can help children learn what is right and what is wrong quickly, but sometimes things do not always look like their covers. After physical punishment, some kids might hurt badly, and their lives might be threaten by the punishment activities. If they hurt too badly, they even need to go to hospital. Besides, children will be hurt not only on their physical part, but also the spiritual part. They might can not trust their parents anymore because they think they will hurt them. Because the fear to be punished by their parents, they will not prefer to staying at home, and that might cause serious problems to adolescents. Children might meet bad people out their home, and they might do something even worse. Not only about their parents, because of the fear to punishment, their abilities of socialize will not grow up healthily. A child who get used to this kind of fear will not get away with it easily, and he might be afraid to make friends with others because he is afraid that they might hurt him one day.

Another reason is that physical punishment will not persuade children to do the right thing, it is just using children’s fear. The point of education is let children know what is right and what is wrong, but there is one thing which is more important than this, the reason of why. Children should not just know what is right and what is wrong, they deserve to know why the right is right, and why the wrong is wrong. One day they will grew up and have to judge what is right and what is wrong without waiting their parents to tell them, and once they know the reason, they can do it by themselves. Some people might find out physical punishment is successful on their children, but the fact is, physical punishment will not help parents to do this. On the contract, physical punishment might lead children to hate the thing which caused the punishment, even that is a right thing which they should do. With physical punishment, children do the right things not because they are right, but because if they do not do this, they will be punished. Once they leave their parents, and they can do whatever they want, they will hardly do the right things because there will be no one punish him until he get caught. So, physical punishment can not help children get what they need to understand, but just let fear control them.

Furthermore, children who get used to physical punishment might use it in their future on others. If parents make their children believe that physical punishment is using for teaching them and good to them, these children will probably use this violent way on their children’s education or people they care about. They might think physical punishment is good to a person, and they are doing the right thing when they use violence on others. These will lead to many serious problems. For example, if a person who was growing up with physical punishment is not agree on some issues with another person, he might use violence to make the other person agree with him because he think he is doing the right thing to help others who is doing something wrong. Under this situation, this person do not understand how to respect others because his opinion has never been respected. His parents just taught him one way to persuade other people, violence.

In conclusion, physical punishment should never been used during children’s education. It will hurt children’s body and mind, and it might hurt others, too. Violence is not the right way to teach children the differences between right and wrong, and it will lead to many serious problem in the children’s future lives.

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