
In a person’s life, he would spend at least the first twenty years in schools, so that means one fourth of one’s lifetime. Therefore, schoolworks and examinations are very familiar to most of people. Also, cheat on one’s schoolwork or examinations are familiar. However, there are many serious problems might can be caused if one person cheat on his schoolworks.

First of all, cheat on one’s schoolwork is not equal to other students. It will be unfair if one person cheat on his schoolwork but others do not, especially when they are competing for a chance to go to a famous school or getting a scholarship. When this situation happen, the result might be that universities can not get good students which they desired, and other students begin to lose their faith to honesty.

Besides, cheat would mislead one’s learning program. Examinations are not use to be passed, they are used to test one’s knowledge and help him learn better in the future. So, if one cheat on his schoolwork, he and his teachers would not be able to know the real level of his knowledge; therefor, he might lose the chance to fix many mistakes during his continue learning program. Schoolwork is just a part of learning, and it is used to help people learn; cheating might lead to a wrong direction of one’s study.

Another problem might be caused is about future. If a person get used to cheating on his schoolworks, he might cheat on other things in his future, too. For example, if one person has never been caught when he cheated on his schoolworks, he would think cheating is not a big deal, so he would continue cheating because it can make his study life easier. When he graduate from his school and get a job, he might still keep cheating on works in his company, and that could cause a huge problem to his company and himself. As time goes by, a small cheating mistake can become a huge disaster.

In conclusion, cheat can never be right, and it could lead to many serious problems in one’s life and others’ life around him. Furthermore, these problems could effect things not only at right now, but also in the future.

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